Besides the traditional transactions of agricultural products acquisition through contracts for forward deliveries or the available market (spot), our team has expertise in structuring more complex operations, while offering the agricultural growers and cooperatives a wide range of products and services. We have registered in our history and experience, hundreds of structured operations in all producing areas of the Brazilian territory. We were part of the pioneering expansion movement of the barter modality at the beginning of the 2000s, as well as the fostering of plantation and expansion of our suppliers through the structuring of credit modalities

Sophisticated operations like these are only possible through a deep knowledge and proximity of our partners' activities, allowing us to identify and propose modern and competitive business models. Once these demands are identified, we count on a comprehensive network of partners in the segment of agricultural inputs (fertilizers, seeds etc), as well as financial agents (banks and funds).
Thus, the producer finds in A1 Commodities a partnership focused on tailor-made structuring of operations which have a broader portfolio of products ranging from the commercialization of its goods for the most demanding global markets, as well as the feasibility of credit, access to inputs and instruments for the price and foreign currency hedges. This model has allowed several producers to access their needs for annual cycles, as well as their long-term needs such as expansion, soil correction and investments in assets.

Going further, aiming at the valuation of the qualified agricultural production that we access through our suppliers, we have the vast majority of our operations relying on international level certifications. Long before the subject became present in our daily routine, our commercial team was already developing certified and traceable operations, connecting the specialized growers to the most demanding global markets. As an example, the history of this team includes GMO Free Soy operations for Asia and Europe since 2005, as well as the selection of high standard cotton for premium markets. This process, over time, has become our main operation and business thesis. Recognition of the producer through the awarding of differentiated qualities and the continuous search for the sustainability of the chain constitute the pillars of A1 Commodities

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