We have in our team and in our commercial background, the expertise in structuring sophisticated operations of identification, sourcing, traceability, and certification of products with requirements and characteristics that go beyond the available normal standards in the market. As an example, since 2005 we have been sourcing and exporting multiple or singular varieties of non-transgenic products, in soft or high identity preserved traceability and certification programs, predominantly to Asian and European markets. These operations are possible thanks to partnerships established with Brazilian farmers, international level certifiers, the most qualified logistics operators of the market and customers who seek the guarantee of receiving what they need in a safe and continuous basis.

The whole range of products and by-products of the Soy, Corn, and Cotton chain, besides other products grown in our territory, can be included in programs like these, built in a joint effort of A1 Commodities and its partners, to present to the world the high quality of the extensive Brazilian portfolio.

Examples of products with high-quality standard and certification (including GMO Free and organic products):

- Soybeans;
- Soybeans (specific variety);
- Corn;
- Café
- Mel
- Brans;
- Vegetable Oils;
- SPC (Soy Protein Concentrate);
- Cotton (specific intrinsic characteristics)

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